Steam and vacuum cleaning: the perfect method to remove mites from the mattress
Cleaning the mattress is an operation as important as it is underestimated. Every day we spend about 8 hours in bed and the mattress systematically becomes the place where dead cells, dust and dirt tend to accumulate. The humidity and the heat of our body creates an environment that is favourable to the proliferation of dust mites, insects invisible to the naked eye, but particularly harmful because they can cause allergies and dermatitis. There are several methods to clean the mattress and eliminate mites, with the help of steam cleaning and vacuuming or other natural remedies. Let's find out how to do it together.
Cleaning the mattress: why do it often?
For every home, steam and vacuum cleaning really help to wash, clean, and sanitize a large number of surfaces. However, the cleaning of the mattress is often overlooked. Especially when in the presence of allergens, there are operations that should be performed regularly and daily. Here are some tips to prevent the formation of mites in the mattress:
- do not remake the bed immediately:the warmth of the body creates moisture that promotes the proliferation of mites; better always let it air out by letting in air and sunlight before remaking the bed;
- allow the mattress to breathe frequently, exposing it (if possible) to the sun;
- change the sheets at least once a week;
- frequently wash mattress and pillow covers at high temperatures;
- choose a mattress with removable cover to facilitate cleaning operations.
These are very useful actions, to be implemented regularly, but unfortunately they are not sufficient. With the help of a specific vacuum cleaner or, even better, a steam cleaner, you can achieve optimal results even for those suffering from allergies.
How to remove mites from the mattress with steam cleaning and suction
As mentioned, there are different systems and natural remedies to clean the mattress from the mites. In all cases, however, vacuuming is always a fundamental operation for a better result. A system to eliminate the mites of the mattress involves the use of baking soda, a powerful remedy even against eggs. Cleaning the mattress with baking soda is simple: just sprinkle the surface with the baking soda powder and leave it for at least two hours; after this time, you will complete the cleaning of the mattress with a steam or traditional vacuum cleaner to remove all residues.
Another natural remedy against mites that lurk in the mattress involves a treatment based on eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. These are two powerful natural repellents that can be vaporized on the mattress or used on a damp cloth to rub on the mattress. When it is completely dry, you can finish with steam cleaning and vacuuming.
If you don’t trust home remedies, you can choose the sanitizing action of a steam cleaner with vacuum function, which allows you to vacuum up dust and other microorganisms; with the combined action of steam and vacuum function, you can eliminate the mites and absorb excess moisture at the same time. With a steam cleaner you can get better results even for those suffering from allergies, without effort and in less time.
Now that you have discovered all the secrets to eliminate mites with steam cleaning and suction you can finally sleep peacefully!
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