How to face a change: responsibility and passion the winning features
From Receptionist to Marketing Assistant Raquel Domingo tells how responsibility and passion permitted her to face this change with tranquility
I started my career at Polti in May 2007 as the office receptionist. I’ve always liked to feel close to people and the most satisfying aspect of this role was my contact with people; every day I had to deal with customers, colleagues and suppliers,. After some time, I was asked to join the Operations Department and for the past three years I’ve been part of the Marketing Department in the Marketing Assistant role.
The words that best describe the latest change are: challenge and responsibility.
Challenge because I accepted a position very different from the professional path I’d undertaken until then, a positive change full of new stimuli and motivation.
Responsibility because when I started working in the marketing department it was a period of great change and important projects, especially the new websites for Spain and Portugal. This was a very exciting project and I’m very proud of it. In my daily routine, I’m in charge of Operational Marketing and content management for our e-commerce and social media channels. This part of my job allows me to develop my writing skills as well as my creativity. I’ve also learnt new skills in the Communications area by helping with the different Public Relations activities.
All in all, I love my job. It allows me to develop the most creative side of myself, without losing contact with the end consumer. Also, it’s a constant challenge and every day feels like a different story. I’m always learning new things which help me to grow professionally and I’ve had the chance to meet colleagues from other countries with whom I have a very close working relationship.
In addition to all the opportunities that Polti has offered me professionally, I love being part of a company that shares the same values as me, such as the respect for and the care of our environment.
Among the 40 words of the anniversary logo, tell us your preferred words and explain the reasons why
In my opinion, the word that defines this 40 years’ celebration is “Passion”. Passion to keep going, to improve and be better. This passion and way of work is reflected in all and each of the products that Polti develops.
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