Family: an acronym that explains what Polti represents
Miram Lucini, Executive Assistant, explains with the acronym of famiglia (family) what the Polti company represents.
When I’ve worked at Polti for almost 31 years and I’m the Executive Assistant, a role that has allowed me to work in different fields with different skills and has given me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally.
When I arrived at Polti I was a young graduate, with little experience, the environment was demanding, changing quickly, but also full of satisfying interpersonal relationships, with a "family" atmosphere I would say.
At the beginning of my career we were a little smaller than today, but the approach, the spirit of cooperation and the strong sense of belonging to the company have not changed; over the years I’ve always felt part of a group that has achieved important milestones and yet wants to reach many others and I’m proud to have contributed to the achievement of a success story. Being aware that the actions of individuals can make the difference, I think is one of the keys to success of an entrepreneurial entity. In a company as in a family, large and small obstacles are faced and overcome if we work together and we are cohesive; for this reason the word, indeed the acronym of the word Famiglia (Family) is what Polti represents for me.
Forza/Strength is an essential element, it takes strength to face both the complications of difficult moments and the positive moments. For Polti that is certainly a success story, achieved thanks to the willpower of all those who believed and still believe in this company and who have interpreted the obstacles and setbacks as incentives to do better.
Attenzione/Attention to the needs of those we come into contact with, a customer, a partner, a colleague. One of Polti's strengths is to pay attention to the needs of the individual.
Motivazione/Motivation that everyone should search in himself, in the workplace, in colleagues and managers, to support each new project and each new challenge; it’s the drive that helps us carry on.
Innovazione/Innovation that is part of the DNA of Polti and its products, first Vaporella, then Vaporetto and today Moppy. I remember early in my experience in Polti the "meeting" with Vaporetto, a real revolution that fascinated and convinced me right away.
Gioia/Joy because working is not only a duty and an obligation, but also the joy of participating, sharing and feeling part of a team.
Lavoro/Work I work in the most noble and correct meaning of the term: it’s a way to develop one's own abilities, to improve oneself and consolidate one's strengths.
Immaginazione/Imagination that opens the mind, allows to see in advance, to project forward and helps to define alternative ways to proceed.
Amore/Love because in every action there is always a little love, in work as in every other field. Without love for oneself, for those around us, for what we do, there would not even be happiness in achieving any goal.
Tra le 40 parole del logo dell’anniversario, Polti per me è…
The word that I associate with Polti can only be family, it tells my personal story in the company and represents the most important value of my private life. The Polti’s family and my family have much in common, in both situations cohesion, sharing, collaboration, the sense of support and protection are essential elements for the growth and development of a solid group.
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