The effectiveness of Polti Sani System

The tests confirm the effectiveness of Polti Sani System’s superheated dry saturated steam for steam disinfection.

Tested in killing up to 99.999%* of microorganisms.

Polti Sani System is a patented Steam Disinfection Device (SDD) compliant with the AFNOR NF T72-110 standard – medical setting and has demonstrated virucidal, bactericidal, sporicidal, fungicidal, levurocidal and mouldicidal effects. Developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pavia, it is dedicated to the disinfection of environments at risk of biological contamination.

Download the declaration of disinfectant effectiveness
The tests and results on effectiveness of Polti Sani System

Download the efficacy tests for Polti Sani System

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